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Design Process of 'Shredded Lives': An Illustrated Exploration

Design Exploration Diagram Zoom 3. Design Exploration Diagram Zoom 5. The five piece manifestations that emerged at the intersections of the seven design components. Design Exploration Diagram Zoom 4.

This pictorial illustrates an autoethnographic exploration of my design practice for the data physicalization "Shredded Lives: A Decade of Migrant Loss". It emphasizes the parallel development of seven design components — Interaction Mode, Technology, Data Representation, Physical Configuration & Scale, Dataset, Engagement Mode, and Spatial Experience. This flexible, non-hierarchical approach allows each component to inform and evolve alongside the others, stemming from a desire to thoroughly explore the design space without confinement by initial restrictions. As these components overlap and intersect, dynamic interactions occur, leading to the manifestation of design ideas.



Foroozan Daneshzand
Simon fraser university
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Charles Perin

Charles Perin
Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Charles Perin is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Victoria, where he co-leads the VIXI lab. He is interested in new interactions for visualizations, in mobile and physical visualization, and in personal visualization.

Sheelagh Carpendale

Sheelagh Carpendale
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Sheelagh Carpendale, Professor, Canada Research Chair at Simon Fraser University has received many awards including IEEE Visualization Career Award, and a BAFTA. She is a Fellow in the Royal Society of Canada and has been inducted into the IEEE Visualization Academy and the ACM CHI Academy.